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The Slums Of Politics, Malaysia

Biggest news of the week... Anwar Ibrahim, President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, has been acquitted in his Sodomy trial. Sodomy in Malaysia is a criminal offence, an ancient inherited law from the colonial era of its past. The trial has been, at times, a circus, to a parody of quite literally, a kangaroo court. I was sure many were sceptical a verdict any other than Anwar to be found guilty was impossible. So with this political show now over, so what now Malaysia?

With the curtains closed on this particular chapter of Malaysian drama, the 13th Malaysian General Election draws ever closer. It is said that it will be held in March and with Anwar now vindicated from his Sodomy charge, Parti Keadilan Rakyat would feel that it has received a spark of life, a break from all the in fighting and negative press it has gotten over the years. Will the opposition move away from being just anti BN and into a legitimate party with workable policies. It has to a certain extent, tried to achieve this to some moderate success, but it is hard to get to the heart of the Malaysian peninsular where the people are less exposed to news and alternative views.

The incumbent governing party, Barisan Nasional would feel like they have proven themselves to be a transparent and fair government, with Prime Minister Najib Razak branding himself as a reformer(from the old iron rule of the Mahathir era). But it's shine, tarnished in the eyes of the middle class and civil society over the bumbling about with protests organised in the previous year. Probably one of the most dangerous situation any nation could go through is the low heat cooking pot in which they boil ever slowly. Not knowing that the warmth in the beginning is only a thin veil that hides the gruesome fate that will befallen them in the future. The BN government is in danger of placing too many eye wash 'reform' that do absolutely nothing and not fooling anyone about them.

What I loathe the most about politics in Malaysia is the whole unhealthy and obsessive interest in the cult of personalities. It isn't PR policy vs BN policy. It isn't about debating bills in parliament or debating the merit of a reform. It is Najib vs Anwar, KJ vs Tony Pua, Kit Siang vs Muhyddin, so on so forth. This rather backward obsession is pulling Malaysia into the depths of the sea of third world nations. It is time for the masses to be emancipated and enlightened about the state, governance and their lives. Stop being a meaningless drone, you have free will and a brain... use it.

Which sort of gets to my next point, the malignant cancer in Malaysia. The evil mastermind behind the puppet despot. The Satan's helper. The anti hero that was actually the real villain in a movie. The... oh you get the point... Citizen apathy is like the deadening toxic chemical compound they inject into criminals on lethal injection death sentences in the States.

It is absolutely a killer to democracy(regardless of how that word has became a sham these days). A despotic government would want just that, a citizenry that couldn't care less, as it(the government) plundered and pillaged their home as they slept. Apathy allows for the abuse of power from the authority... you played a part in it Malaysians... congratulations. Continue sleeping, don't let the thieves wake you up from you very comfy... but eternal slumber.

If you feel compelled to do something about it, read, educate yourself, take part in debates and discussions about politics and governance in Malaysia. Join a group such as Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia, make new friends, meet new acquaintances, expand your horizons. And for the love of all things good, register yourself as a voter! And bloody use it! Vote in the coming elections. Me? I detest power, all authority and injustice.


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