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The Fallacy Of Unity

Whenever people talk of unity, I become nervous. Politicians talk about political unity, nationalists talk about national unity, racial groups talk about racial unity. I've often wondered with much bemusement just what the hell they're basing their presumed position that unity is a good thing. Don't they know a thing or two about history?

Hitler committed genocide in the name of Aryan German unity, Stalin massacred countless people in the name of unity among his generals and people, Saddam assassinated opponents in the name of political unity. Exactly what unity are people talking about when they claim what is needed is unity amongst the common folk? Besides unity is way overrated(been using this term too often these days).

Human life is always wrought with conflict. It is a fact of life like evolution, the earth orbiting our sun, or the physical laws of our universe. Unity with conflict isn't much of a unity is it? Unless unity is forced upon us in an authoritative manner, which is what I suppose not many among the unity preaching crowd expects. They would say we would have to agree to disagree. Unity then just becomes a meaningless word.

And conflict is good. It's what makes us think about what is right or wrong. It inspires us to learn to discover what is good and noble. Without conflict, we would be driftwoods, floating on a river with no aim, no direction. Much of the philosophy written in the age of enlightenment is sparked from conflict. It makes us better humans. So before you speak about unity, think twice. Is it really what you would want? A life with no objections? no contrarian views? nothing to think about? Let us instead work on improving humanity and working towards a life worth living. Fight authority to our very last days. Vive Le Revolution!

I shall agree to disagree...


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