To borrow a term from Arundhati Roy, politicians in India are exclusive members of the Rah Rah Club. The Rah Rah Club is a cheeky little way of saying there's a lot of blowing hot air. Indian politics is an interesting yet rather unsophisticated beast, divided amongst rather communal and caste lines. Just the other day, I watched this Indian politician stating as a rebuke to another politicians statement that they will bring India on par of Singapore. To this, this almost predictable politician said his party will make even Singaporeans question how great India has become(of course, under their rule) and they would want to emulate India.
What a load of hogwash Rah Rah Yes We Can rubbish! India, the second most populous nation with 1.2 billion people within its borders has a huge wealth distribution problem. With an estimated 30% of 1.2 billion below the international poverty line(that's a paltry USD$1.25 a day). This is where I suspect the Marxists(Left Democratic Front with it's Hammer & Sickle symbol) gain their support base from.
The worse and most abhorrent factor in Indian politics? Caste! While the new age division of religion is quite volatile around the world, in India, caste still divide and classify people as the haves and the have nots. The lower class Dalits, Adivasis and others don't even count as human beings to the point of being considered as expendables. To be washed away whenever development comes knocking at their door... their most likely illegal door(as it would be probably judged in the courtroom).
Not to mention how meekly political rhetoric often shrivels when politicians have tasted power... corruption. While I have no empirical data regarding this, I think it's safe to say there is a lot of corruption in India. It is only logical. Look at the variables, incredibly populous, incredibly large with multiple districts, high investment, cheap labour, incredible natural resources, easily exploitable labour force. The lure of wealth overpowers any form of reform, or political promises made before election(this isn't so much different here in Malaysia I suppose). Again, it is the lower castes that gets exploited with the unending hunger of greedy politicians.
That, sadly is India. The voice of the minority, downtrodden, lower castes unheard in the eternal din of rapacious profit and wealth seekers. Jai Hind India!
PS: While the anti corruption bill that is being drawn at the moment seems to point towards some improvement, I am however, extremely sceptical if it will amount to anything.
What a load of hogwash Rah Rah Yes We Can rubbish! India, the second most populous nation with 1.2 billion people within its borders has a huge wealth distribution problem. With an estimated 30% of 1.2 billion below the international poverty line(that's a paltry USD$1.25 a day). This is where I suspect the Marxists(Left Democratic Front with it's Hammer & Sickle symbol) gain their support base from.
The worse and most abhorrent factor in Indian politics? Caste! While the new age division of religion is quite volatile around the world, in India, caste still divide and classify people as the haves and the have nots. The lower class Dalits, Adivasis and others don't even count as human beings to the point of being considered as expendables. To be washed away whenever development comes knocking at their door... their most likely illegal door(as it would be probably judged in the courtroom).
Not to mention how meekly political rhetoric often shrivels when politicians have tasted power... corruption. While I have no empirical data regarding this, I think it's safe to say there is a lot of corruption in India. It is only logical. Look at the variables, incredibly populous, incredibly large with multiple districts, high investment, cheap labour, incredible natural resources, easily exploitable labour force. The lure of wealth overpowers any form of reform, or political promises made before election(this isn't so much different here in Malaysia I suppose). Again, it is the lower castes that gets exploited with the unending hunger of greedy politicians.
That, sadly is India. The voice of the minority, downtrodden, lower castes unheard in the eternal din of rapacious profit and wealth seekers. Jai Hind India!
PS: While the anti corruption bill that is being drawn at the moment seems to point towards some improvement, I am however, extremely sceptical if it will amount to anything.
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