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The Death Of Hitchens - Goodbye Dear Friend

If there ever was a person on this planet, that I would have loved to have met, it would have been Hitchens(Sagan was the other person). Having read his books, and watched his debates, I always felt like I had this unusual sense of camaraderie with the man(unusual since I have never actually seen him). He was like a friend that was always there to back you up. To remind you to keep your chin up and stand up for your bloody ideals... you sodding downer. He would say it a lot more eloquently though... unless he felt you really needed a 'jolt back into reality'.

It has taken me by surprise that his death would affect me this much... much more than actually reading his books(which always was able to make you realise how in depth Hitchens knowledge on any topic he dabbled in was). I feel like there is a sense of urgency, of having a responsibility, to at least... not let the Hitchens ideals down. To hold them up and be proud of them. Absolutely unapologetic, and to put arrogant, stupid, conniving bastards who are downright pernicious at their rightful place... as deceitful liars.

The world needs more honest people, and when capitalism and corporate bullshit punches you in the face and tell you that nice guys finish last. At least Hitchens was there to hitchslap you back to humanity, to remind you that as humans, we share a common solidarity for others. So don't be a bastard. Or I'll have to punch you with my verbal sucker punch.

His death is a cruel blow to all of us that has held rational thought as the basis of our existence. To the atheist, to the leftists, to all the honest people all over the world. It's the passing of one of the greatest literary and intellectual minds in these modern times. Just a week or so back, I commented at how coincidental it was that we both shared the same birthday. Now I shall always reminisce about Hitch during my own birthdays... What would he say when he was 63? 64? 65? When his daughters have grown up?

I've been on a bit of a tangential mind recently. Mostly due to some points that some anarchist philosopher/thinker has said that I don't quite agree with. Points that I find are in contrast with the idea of individualism. The right of the individual over the commune is a conflicting domain that needs some clarifying on my part. Anarchists that fall in the Anarchist Communism camp condemn the nihilist and individualist that they claim as being self centred.

I do not think individualists are self centred at all, in fact, it is a liberating philosophical idea that strengthens the community. That we have unique and different minds often compliments the commune from uniformity which is very... very ... bad. This is I'm pretty sure not what the Anarchists were at odds with but it is to an extent contrary to the idea of anarchism that the individual submit to the will of the commune(what makes that different to totalitarianism?). It makes it no different from a democracy where the minority is held hostage to the tyranny of the majority(which is also something that liberals claim is not what democracy is about).

Hitchens on the other hand was bloody clear about where he stood. He stood on his own against the scathing attacks of the reactionaries which he parries so effortlessly without a hitch... pun intended(he had friends of course, but could more than handle them himself). He admitted if he ever erred. But a man of unshakable principals. He attacked opponents and his enemies with an unflinching nerve that you almost feel sorry for the poor bugger to be called out by Christopher Hitchens. This is where I believe, I must grow myself into. I am not putting this down as destiny, as the very notion of destiny and fate runs contrary to the very idea of equality. People are who they choose to be, not born to be.

In the coming holidays, I'm going to be taking some time off from work to reflect on things. I'll be back much stronger and with more vigour than before(well... hopefully). The works of Nietzsche, Mill, Kant, Kropotkin, Smith and now Hitch will be my companion as I search for my centre. I am positive that I'm getting there. Hitch be my guide... well his writings at least(Hitch would never believe any sort of spirit or after live mumbo jumbo).

I've also got plans to start writing more political, social commentary style blog. Maybe I'll just use this blog to post more in depth and to peruse more serious topics such as that. I haven't figured that out yet. All thanks to Hitchens. I wouldn't dream of trying to live up to his incredibly high standards or writing, but I'll give it my best shot. Heck, I wouldn't exactly be lacking in topics to write considering the amount of piffle in the Malaysian political scene and society. Tarry no more, for time and tide waits for no man(or woman). Hitch, you've made a difference. And for that, I salute you. We'll miss you buddy.


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