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Showing posts from September, 2011

Incentives & Motivations At The Work Place

So I've been thinking, why do we work? I mean I understand the fact we get a salary and money is used to finance our daily lives but exactly why do we do the things we do at work? Is it really a simple matter of financial incentive that drives us? The fact is, we don't always do the ideal thing we would want to do at work. Everyone ain't working their dream jobs so the motivations and incentives are different. Corporations had often used money and even punishment as a way of getting employees to produce results which I've always found to be rather... offputing. Why can't it be different? Why can't employer employee relationship be more reciprocal or rather about cooperation rather than fear of getting blamed for things? This was something I looked into as I wrote a preliminary write up on Cooperation vs Competition in the free market as an alternative philosophy of business. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we cooperated with other, helping others

So Things Didn't Exactly Go According Plan

So the whole thing about quiting smoking... didn't quite work out. I lasted about 1 and a half days without cigarettes. So I've dropped plans of rewarding myself with a fancy phone. Will just go for a functional phone instead. Checking the internet and posting on social sites etc. I don't want to talk much about the failure to quit smoking. Won't even think of doing this ever again unless I'm dead serious(which I thought I was). Anyway will m ake another post soon on another topic.

Smoke On The Water - Smoke Free

Or rather... a lack of smoke on the... erm... water? I've quit smoking. Or at least, I'm in the process of being smoke free. Today is the first day I haven't had a cigarette since waking up in the morning. It's going to be a really tough month. Already feeling restless and I'm probably going to get a lot more stressed up as the day progresses. I'm being too negative here, but I know how I'll feel when I don't smoke cigarettes for a long while. MISERABLE! The thing about smoking is that it's an addiction. A bad habit that's hard to kill. Lots of thing brings the urge to smoke... music, the time(at night before sleeping is often the strongest and most difficult craving), eating out, hanging out with friends, bla blah blah the list goes on. I just feel like sleeping while listening to some hard hitting metal music... perhaps some Metallica would make me feel better. Not sure if I think properly today :s It's all a blur... and I'm wearing m

Books... What I'm Reading Right Now And What's Next

So I couldn't find the books I wanted, mainly the books by Noam Chomsky in our local book stores(I know I can probably buy them online but I like going to a book store). So one fine day as i was browsing the political science section in Kino and found a rather slim selection of books on Anarchism, I saw a book on Mikhail Bakunin which I have heard a lot of especially his writing titled "God and The State". So I decided to pick up this book on this Russian troublemaker/ father/grand father of Anarchism(depending on who you ask). That was nearly a month ago. I'm now more than half way through the book. I decided to go to Kino anyway last Saturday, and get my next book(before I finished the previous one which is not like my usual self) and got myself Hitch 22, the Christopher Hitchens auto biography which has been on my list of books to check out. Not a huge fan of Hitchens but it is interesting that after Bakunin, I would be moving onto another auto biography(Bakun


First post has always been a tradition with new blogs so here's it.... That's it. I don't really have anything to say. Okay, so the reason I started a new blog is to separate my own views and thoughts into things that just wander into my mind(like the title of this blog... which I might change later once I've got a more catchy title than a rather long and perhaps... clichéd title). This isn't going to be my experimental writing blog but just my thoughts in plain English. Okay so not so plain, as anyone who knows me knows I tend to over think and ramble on and on about something. Just like how I'm doing it now. I've got a couple of ideas and things I have in mind for the next couple of posts(in between the usual ramblings). Any topic goes... Oh and I might post a couple of off topic stuff(if it is even possible to go off topic with random thoughts). So this is a little like a personal blog for me. So don't be surprised if I post kitten pictures and link