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Showing posts from December, 2011

Gratitude And What It Means To Me

Gratitude is way overrated. The reason? Isn't it a natural tendency in all of us to be grateful to what has helped us, to what has been advantageous to us. It is in my opinion, an evolutionary and even primal sense within us that does things for selfish reasons. The point is that we are grateful in the hopes that we get more good things from whatever we are grateful for. It is absolutely a selfish feeling. There is nothing selfless about just saying you are grateful to someone or something. But I suppose we all do it, like bugs attracted to the glowing bright light. And why do we feel grateful for things that are absolutely not under our control at all... like existing? We can all appreciate what we have, what we've been through, the people we know, art, beauty, noble acts, bravery, and maybe for some, even money. While the the disparity between gratefulness and appreciation is perhaps not as great as I put it. Perhaps I am nitpicking, but the word grateful is something tha

God Bless The Atheists

Eternal questions of origin and creator, Eternally off limits, eternally unquestionable, If it wasn't for you, we'd all be mute passive mules, God bless the atheists For the mule lets others to ride it, To command it, you shan't think for yourself, To be a human means to have free will, to ruminate, To break the shackles of which that constricts our thoughts, God bless the atheists Death is a certainty, Life is fleeting, It is of utmost importance to make it meaningful, The question of what is good? What is noble, What is beautiful,  is a worthy one, God bless the atheists While you no longer exist, Truly have you become transcendent, immortal An irony that it didn't take God for it to happen, but the brilliant words of a man, nothing special... nothing divine... just man, God bless the atheists Christopher Hitchens 13th April 1949 - 15th December 2011

From Home That Was Not My Home

From Home... That Was Not My Home A legacy... that was born out of hatred, destruction and humiliation, A generation bred on the denigration that is thrust like a sword, In one fell swoop, a homeless child no longer cries, She is struck by the despondency of the situation, Rising up to quell the occupation, Revolution! Revolution She Cries! The cries are silenced... Melancholy stirs the air, Hatred, destruction, humiliation... the circle is complete, From Home... That Was Not My Home

The Death Of Hitchens - Goodbye Dear Friend

If there ever was a person on this planet, that I would have loved to have met, it would have been Hitchens(Sagan was the other person). Having read his books, and watched his debates, I always felt like I had this unusual sense of camaraderie with the man(unusual since I have never actually seen him). He was like a friend that was always there to back you up. To remind you to keep your chin up and stand up for your bloody ideals... you sodding downer. He would say it a lot more eloquently though... unless he felt you really needed a 'jolt back into reality'. It has taken me by surprise that his death would affect me this much... much more than actually reading his books(which always was able to make you realise how in depth Hitchens knowledge on any topic he dabbled in was). I feel like there is a sense of urgency, of having a responsibility, to at least... not let the Hitchens ideals down. To hold them up and be proud of them. Absolutely unapologetic, and to put arrogant