Regrets... everybody has them. Perhaps plenty of them. But for me, there was just one point in my life that I have ever regretted. Not university, studies, girls or the many problems I had in the past. The point was after my SPM examinations. That point in life could have completely redefined the rest of my life. But instead, I picked IT as the field I was going to study in. Big mistake. I didn't realise at that point just what I was naturally good at, my talents. I ignored them to go with my interest at that time.... computers. I still love computers and all geeky techy stuff but I've often wondered what it would have been like had I ignored my temporary itch to study this at that time... mysterious technology for something more grounded... such as say, English. I was a pretty good writer in my schooling days(had a few essays published in the school mag). Loved to write fiction and I had a knack of uniquely expressing dramatic dialogue on paper. I used to scribble and illu...